We partner with The Alliance in various countries throughout the world by sending short-term trip teams to serve alongside long-term Alliance missionaries (international workers) in each partner country.

El Dorado

In 2019, we started a partnership with the The Alliance in a Creative Access Country (CAC) that we've given the code name "El Dorado." The goal of this partnership is to come alongside the national church to support the work that God is doing in that region, as well as build relationships.

A team of 12 will be traveling to El Dorado from June 30 to July 8, 2023! Follow them on their journey at

What's a CAC? It's a country that has restrictions on missionaries entering and sharing the Gospel, and thus, there is the need to be creative in doing so. 

For more info on any of our upcoming trips, email

New York City

New York City is home to the largest concentration of unreached people groups in any city around the world. There are at least 52 unreached people groups living in New York. Our partners are there to join what God is doing among unreached peoples. When unreached people move into New York City their opportunity to hear the gospel greatly increases. They meet people on the move and journey with them while providing them with access to hear the good news through ESL classes, prayer walking, and street ministry.

Our 2023 NYC Short-term Trip is coming up from October 6-12!

Applications are due by August 6 at

For more info on any of our upcoming trips, email


We're excited to be relaunching a partnership with The Alliance in a Creative Access Country (CAC) within Africa. The center there teaches English to adults who are mostly professionals and university students. Their goal is to teach English excellently and share the gospel relationally. This is possible through different venues, not the least of which is one-on-one conversations with students.

What's a CAC? It's a country that has restrictions on missionaries entering and sharing the Gospel, and thus, there is the need to be creative in doing so. 

For more info on any of our upcoming trips, email